Below you will find a list of my most recent and relevant programming and analytical projects.

Financial and Sport&Event Management graduate with experience in the financial sector and skilled in analytics, MS Office, SQL, HTML, CSS, Java Programing, economics, details, logistics etc. @MadsKampman
Below you will find a list of my most recent and relevant programming and analytical projects.
I created this program to break a Vigenère Cipher, a more complex version of a Caesar Cipher. This included, decrypting messages with language and key length known, messages with unknown key length, messages in a range of possible languages. Through this project I effectively used HashSet and HashMap, expanded an algorithm from solving a simpler problem to handle broader and more complex problems, and designed and modified program code involving a complex collection of classes, methods, and data.
I created this program to analyze and manipulate data from multiple CSV data files using Apache Commons CSV. This included, using Apache Commons CSV package in my Java programs, accessing data from one or many CSV files using Java, converterting strings into numbers, using “null” in Java programs, devising an algorithm to create statistics on CSV data, and analyzing CSV data across multiple CSV files.
I created this webpage in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, which gives you the opportunity to upload a foreground image and a background image and composing them together into one image. The GreenScreen effect makes it possible for the two images to compose them together with a high quality of coherence, making the background image create a fitting background for the foreground image.
Paseico was created as an Android application, and it allows you to create routes and earn points for completing them. It was developed in Android Studio, with Firebase as the database, and Google Maps as the geolocation technology.
Valencia, Spain